Use /spell
to display your current Spell. Spells will activate at their intercept rate only if you are attacking. You can only have one Spell at a time, but you can buy a replacement Spell, if you want to swap.
Use /buy spell fireball
and you can learn how to cast Fireball at the market.
Fireball Stats:
- intercept rate 20%
- attack 25
- bypasses armor
Use /buy spell heal
and you can learn how to cast Heal at the market.
Heal Stats:
- intercept rate 20%
- healing 25
- can heal above max hp
Feeblemind Stats:
- intercept rate 20%
- attack 10
- removes enemy spells
You must be at least level 4 to buy this spell.
Use /buy spell feeblemind
and you can learn how to cast Feeblemind at the market.
Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention Stats:
- intercept rate 20%
- healing 10
- removes armor pieces from other fighters
You must be at least level 4 to buy this spell.
Use /buy spell divine_intervention
and you can learn how to cast Divine Intervention at the market.